Some Projects ! ✨

🔭 Image2Caption: Deep Learning-based Image Captioning: 📸 Experience the magic of AI-generated captions for images. This project uses a fusion of CNN and Transformers to bring images to life with descriptive and contextually relevant captions.

🚀 ResumeRanker: Intelligent Resume Screening: 📄 Simplify the hiring process with this AI-powered tool that ranks resumes based on relevance and key criteria, leveraging machine learning to streamline recruitment.

🌐 SentimentPredictor: Sentiment Analysis Package: 💬 A flexible sentiment analysis predictor package supporting multiple pre-trained models, customizable preprocessing, visualization tools, fine-tuning capabilities, and seamless integration with pandas DataFrames.

🌟 EmotionClassifier: Emotion Classification Package: 🧠 Classify emotions in text using various pre-trained models with this user-friendly package. It includes customizable preprocessing, visualization tools, and integration with data platforms.

📊 Categorized Text Reviews Dataset: A comprehensive dataset of categorized text reviews for various NLP tasks.

🔍 RoBERTa Base Sentiment Analysis Model: Fine-tuned RoBERTa model for sentiment analysis on text reviews.

🧠 DeBERTa v3 Small Base Emotions Classifier: Emotion classification model fine-tuned on a variety of text data.

🧠 DeBERTa XLarge Base Emotions Classifier: Advanced emotion classification model for nuanced emotion detection.

🌐 Reviews RoBERTa Sentiment Analyser (Hugging Face Space): Interactive space for performing sentiment analysis on text reviews using the fine-tuned RoBERTa model.